Delaware Top Blogs

Delaware Top Blogs

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bacon and cameltoe dresses... The life of Lady Gaga

We have seen it all from Lady Gaga when it comes to fashion, but has she gone a little overboard? I mean at the MTV VMA's, Gaga wore a dress made entirely from meat. Yes I am not kidding you... meat. It is one thing to make a statement and be creative with your own unique style but to resemble an entrée for a pack of wolves is crossing the line.

As my mom says, "Lady Gaga is great... if you don't have to look at her." And honestly I have to agree with her. I am just so over her style and never knowing what bizarre assemble she is going to have on next. Now I am not discriminating on Gaga's talent or fame because she did walk away with many Grammy's, but sometimes I wonder if she dresses the way she does for attention? She has to be. Anyone who arrives in a giant dinosaur eggshell being carried by half naked men is screaming for attention. Incase Gaga wasn't aware the Grammy's was to honor a  number of people, not to have the whole show focused on what outrageous thing she is going to do next.

I have to say I don't agree with many of the outfits and neglect to see the message behind them. One trend she does successfully continue to achieve is her cameltoe conducive bottoms. This is not a trend I foresee anyone wanting to continue. I feel like every one of her outfits needs an explanation. Let me share with you what her idea of making a statement is... 

Photo Source:

Quoted from on Lady Gaga's Grammy arrival couldn't have been put any better. 

"And, trust, it’s not like I think the Grammys are the equivalent of the Nobel Prize or whatever, but I suspect everyone who was nominated for one, and who got to walk the red carpet, got pretty excited about their big night. And then this stupid Egg Being Carried In By Minions routine completely and totally drew every single bit of red carpet attention away from EVERYONE ELSE. To my mind, that’s not performance art — because it’s not being done to make a larger artistic point. The point it’s making is, “I’M HERE IN AN EGG LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME ME ME ME ME ME HOW ELSE CAN I FOLLOW A MEAT DRESS?” Honestly, I just think it’s bratty."

 In my personal opinion I think Lady Gaga is trying to mimic Madonna and lets face it...No one will ever be able to successfully do that. I wish Lady Gaga would just sing and stop relying on her outrageous outfits to give her fame. 

Keep it classy, 